Pyramid Locks Blocks
Pyramid Locks Blocks
Pyramid Locks Blocks
Pyramid Locks Blocks
Pyramid Locks Blocks
Pyramid Locks Blocks
Pyramid Locks Blocks
Pyramid Locks Blocks
Pyramid Locks Blocks
Pyramid Locks Blocks
Pyramid Locks Blocks
Pyramid Locks Blocks
  • SKU: PSC-2412-6
  • Availability: in stock Many in stock Out of stock You can purchase this product but it's out of stock

Pyramid Locks Blocks


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    Pyramid Lock Blocks

    • DICA ProStack Plastic 12" x 12" x 6" Cribbing Blocks provide interlocking height for operators in environments where changes in grade require cribbing to assist in leveling equipment. 
    • Designed for equipment with outrigger feet up to 12″x 12″.
    • The setup of a SafetyTech® Base Pad and two ProStack Blocks 12" x 12" x 6" has a 55,000 lb. working load limit and a max allowable pressure of 500 psi.

    • ProStack 24" x 12" x 6" Cribbing Blocks provide interlocking height for operators in environments where changes in grade require cribbing to assist in leveling equipment. 
    • Designed for aerial devices, digger derricks, concrete pumpers and cranes with outrigger feet up to 24″x24″.
    • The setup of a SafetyTech® Base Pad and two ProStack Blocks 24" x 12" x 6"  has a 110,000 lb. working load limit and a max allowable pressure of 500 psi.

    • ProStack Pyramid Lock Blocks have standard TuffGrip ® Handles for maximum comfort and easy handling
    • WHEN LEVEL, 1-4 layers of blocks can be safely stacked to meet your height needs. 


    Cribbing Block Kit



    Outrigger Pads

    With Interlocking Slots
    PSC-SL-D2424-1.5 YES 24 X 24 X 1.5 4 29 500 100,000
    PSC-SL-D2424-1.5-Y YES 24 X 24 X 1.5 4 29 500 100,000

    Working Load Limit and Max Allowable Pressure ratings are based on a minimum slot lock setup of one SafetyTech base pad & two ProStack Slot Lock Cribbing Blocks.

    Shipping Lead Times: 1 business day

    Cribbing Blocks

    Flange Bottom and Flat Bottom Blocks
    PSC-SL-100 TOP & BOTTOM 21.5 X 9 X 6 1 28 500 100,000
    PSC-SL-150 TOP ONLY 21.5 X 9 X 6 1 28 500 100,000

    Working Load Limit and Max Allowable Pressure ratings are based on a minimum slot lock setup of one SafetyTech base pad & two ProStack Slot Lock Cribbing Blocks.

    Shipping Lead Times:  1 business day

    Neoprene Grip Pads

    High-Friction Grip Pad (Optional)
    NP1818-.75 N/A 18 X 18 X 0.75 2 9 N/A N/A

    Shipping Lead Times: 

    NP1818-.75 - 1 business day

    Cribbing Block General Guidelines & FAQ's


    • ProStack Cribbing is designed to be stacked.
    • The height to which the cribbing can be stacked is subject to the cribbing being used and the situation.
    • ProStack cribbing blocks in ideal conditions should not be stacked higher than 3' without evaluation by trained and experienced personnel under the direction of a qualified technician or engineer trained in cribbing applications and safety.
    • ProStack cribbing is designed to create a solid stack (without gaps). This type of set-up maximizes surface area contact, stability and support.
    • The Army Core of Engineers recommends limiting (wood box crib) configurations to three times width (Shortest width for Non-Square Cribs).
      • Box cribs: The standard is a 4x4 box crib with four contact points. Other configurations are shown in the Army Corps of Engineers diagrams.
      • Height is always subject to the situation.



    • Be certain that the ground, floor, or other surface is capable of supporting the combined weight of the crib structure and the load to be supported. Never build cribbing on loose or unstable ground.
    • Never exceed the maximum capacity of the cribbing.
    • A-Frame Outriggers/Stabilizers: Take special precautions when deploying A-frame outriggers onto any cribbing set-up. Lateral forces need to be accounted for to avoid potential toppling of the set-up.
    • ProStack cribbing should be constructed by trained and experienced personnel under the direction of a qualified technician or engineer trained in cribbing applications and safety.
    • Do not use cribbing if it is cracked, split, warped, or damaged.
    • Never use chemically damaged cribbing.
    • Do not allow personnel to climb or hang onto cribbing.
    • Whenever possible, avoid intermixing wood, metal, or other forms of cribbing with plastic cribbing.
    • Ideal Conditions:
      • The surface is flat and Level and fully capable of supporting the load and pressures.
      • The load exerted onto the cribbing set-up is vertical.


    Can ProStack Pyramid Interlocking Cribbing Blocks be used without using a DICA PSC SafetyTech Base Pad?

    • Yes, ProStack Cribbing Blocks can be used without a DICA PSC SafetyTech Base Pad.
      • Refer to the General Guidelines.
      • Refer to the DICA ProStack Cribbing Situational Height Considerations.
    • The purpose of the DICA PSC SafetyTech Base Pads is to:
      • Allow for full contact between the cribbing blocks and the base pad to reduce contact pressure.
      • Allow for a fully interlocked solution, and eliminate any opportunity for lateral movement at the contact point between the cribbing blocks and the supporting surface
    • The height of the stack created should be evaluated by trained and experienced personnel under the direction of a qualified technician or engineer trained in cribbing application safety.
    • Use of a Neoprene pad or other soft squish-able material that will not crush under high pressure is recommended to increase friction between the cribbing blocks and the outrigger foot.


    Can ProStack Cribbing Blocks be used without a neoprene pad being placed between the load contact point and the top cribbing block or block?

    • Yes, ProStack Cribbing Blocks can be used without a Neoprene Friction Pad placed between the load contact point and the cribbing blocks.
    • The purpose of the Neoprene Friction Pad being placed between the load contact point and the cribbing blocks is to:
      • Increase friction between the two points and further minimize the chances of lateral movement.
    • If a neoprene pad is not available, look to use other soft, squish-able materials that will not crush under high pressures. Plywood of an adequate condition and thickness could be an option in this case.
    • Cribbing set-ups should be evaluated by trained and experienced personnel under the direction of a qualified technician or engineer trained in cribbing application safety.


    Make Your Setup Safe®